If you have a question about Tobermory or the cottages then this is a good place to look for an answer as, chances are, someone else has already asked the same thing before.
What services are included?
Electricity and other essential services are all included in the price. Bed linen and towels are also provided. I ask you to act fairly, in consideration of the incoming guests, and please leave the cottages just as you found it.
Can I smoke inside the cottages?
I request that guests do not smoke inside the cottages - the garden is very pleasant though!
Can I bring pets?
I welcome pets which must be negotiated with me beforehand. I ask that you take all their bedding and you agree to not let them up on the furniture. Pets must never be left alone in the cottages.
How can I pay?
Payment can be made with no additional costs by UK £ /pound Sterling cheque (made payable to Aisling Cottages) and internet banking. Please note: PayPal payment will unfortunately incur an extra 3% cost.
Do I need to leave a deposit?
To secure your week, a non-returnable deposit of 25% is required - the balance must be paid four weeks before entry. Please ensure that you send your deposit within one week of your initial enquiry followed up by an email confirming that you wish to book the week. Please email petrea@tobermory.uk.com.
When sending your payment please confirm which cottage and which week you wish to book, give your name, detail how many people will be staying in either cottage, your mobile phone number and home address.
If I do not receive payment within the week then please email me at petrea@tobermory.uk.com otherwise you may miss out on your week.
What about late bookings?
If you are making a late booking within a month or shorter before your arrival, please ensure that you pay by internet banking in advance of your arrival.
Do I need travel insurance?
I advise you to take out comprehensive travel insurance to protect yourself in case of necessary cancellation. I guarantee return in full of any payments made, in the event that the cottage becomes unavailable for any unforeseen circumstance on our part.